Saving press review recipients in PMG Press Review Manager

In this tutorial, you will learn how to save and change the recipients of your press review with just a few clicks.

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How to save recipients in Press Review Manager

To edit the e-mail distribution list for your press review in PMG Press Review Manager, first click Settings and sent press reviews. Then click the Edit recipients button.

If you select Add recipients, a text field opens and you can add the e-mail addresses of your readers. You can add multiple recipients separated by commas, semicolons, tabs or line breaks.

Our tip: As soon as ten or more addresses have been entered, a search line appears to help you find specific recipients quickly.

If your readership includes that many people, you can enter up to 100 e-mail addresses in the mailing list. If you would like to send your press review to a larger number of readers, you can set up group e-mail addresses. These are e-mail addresses that reach more than one person. If necessary, discuss this with your IT department.

Please note that the number of readers must be recorded in your press review contract with PMG.

Editing an existing mailing list

To edit or remove existing recipients, move the mouse over a recipient and click Edit or Remove. Click Save to apply your changes.

Have fun trying out some of the functions!

Additional tutorials for Press Review Manager

If you want to explore the tool in greater detail, take a look at our other Press Review Manager tutorials:

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