Media analysis

The new PMG MediaMeter is here! Analyse print and online reporting even more quickly and easily. Recognise backgrounds and trends earlier than others. The digital media analysis based on the largest daily updated press database in the DACH region offers you security and an information advantage.

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Digital media analysis –
steering instead of controlling

The new PMG MediaMeter analyses high-quality print and online reporting from opinion-leading media for your comprehensive communications controlling – simply and directly at the click of a mouse.

Media analysis media panel

Your benefits at a glance

  • Search

    Gain an ad-hoc overview of print and online reporting from around 3.000 publications on subjects relevant to your media analysis.

  • Monitor

    Receive regular reports from the world of PR and manage your media monitoring automatically with just a few clicks of the mouse.

  • Download

    Download the results of your media analysis at any time in the form of digital dashboards, reports or individual charts.

  • Utilise

    Send extensive media analyses directly to your superiors, colleagues or customers – as regular newsletters or on an ad-hoc basis.

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Visualise your successes

With the new PMG MediaMeter, you can quickly and easily obtain accurate figures to measure your PR success. With extensive information on your media presence, you can easily visualise the success of your media work – retroactively for up to 31 days and with a simple click of the mouse.

You receive accurate information regarding media presence, circulation, reach and advertising values – either automatically at fixed times or when individual thresholds are exceeded. Information on the tonality of your reporting, on media types, media brands and regional characteristics can also be obtained with a simple mouse-click.

This allows you to measure the success of your media work, both in the short and long term.

The benefits of PMG Mediameter

Keep up-to-date on new topics and trends – from the minute they appear in media reporting.
Derive new ideas for high-quality content and communication opportunities from your daily media evaluation.

What our customers say

  • "Unparalleled in terms of offer and scope."
    Tobias Tabor, Baden-Württembergischer Industrie- und Handelskammertag e.V.
  • „Altogether a very useful tool with a good price/performance ratio.“
    Bert von Staden, Pädagogische Hochschule Schwäbisch Gmünd
  • Jennifer Huffman
    "PMG covers almost all of our entire ePaper needs. Therefore it is an important tool for our work. The customer service is also quick and friendly."
    Jennifer Huffman, Brunswick Group GmbH

Overview of services and tariffs for media analysis

Choose between three service packages and a range of additional options.

Contract period

Services and tariffs: Media analysis


1900 per year


3000 per year


6000 per year


9000 per year

1 topic
2 users/logins

1 topic
2 users/logins

5 topics
3 users/logins

10 topics
5 users/logins

Book extra-small Book Book small Book Book medium Book Book large Book
Search and find
Media basis Around 3.000 regional, national and international newspapers, journals, magazines, online media, newsletters, agencies
Retrospective analysis 31 days
Results Unlimited incl. hit list and text excerpt
Data storage (metadata/snippets) for unchanged topics 13 months
Presence Ja Ja Ja Ja
Tonality, subjects Ja Ja Ja
Opinion leaders, circulation Ja Ja Ja
User-defined filters Ja Ja Ja
Reach Ja Ja
Advertising value / AVE (unweighted) Ja
Create and send reports/alerts Ja Ja Ja Ja
Export item lists Ja Ja Ja Ja
Compile dashboards Ja Ja Ja
  Book extra-small Book Book small Book Book medium Book Book large Book
Notes regarding the table “Services and tariffs for media analysis”: All stated prices are exclusive of statutory VAT. Additional price calculations can be provided on request. Package solutions are available for large customers and agencies. *A topic is a combination of keywords using Boolean search syntax, e.g. a company, brand, person, subject or issue.

Try it for yourself!

Enjoy a free, no-obligation trial of our tools
or submit your individual questions to our team.

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PMG expressly reserves the right to use the entire content offered by it for commercial text and data mining within the meaning of Section 44b German Copyright Act (UrhG), in particular for the use of artificial intelligence applications. The use of text and data mining or artificial intelligence applications is only permitted after prior licensing.